Health Office
Saint Paul Public Schools staff each School Health Office with a Licensed School Nurse. Some schools may also have a Health Assistant who works in the Health Office.
Role of the Licensed School Nurse
- Promotes student health and wellness
- Manages school health related care for students (medications, health procedures, chronic condition management, etc.)
- Develops student health condition care plans
- Provides emergency care for illnesses and injuries
- Teaches students skills to manage their health
- Refers student health concerns to clinics/physicians
- Assists families to identify health resources
- Works with local and state health officials around community health issues
- Provides health related supports and assessments to students with specialized services
Role of the Health Assistant
- Provides first aid and health screenings
- Administers medication under supervision of the LSN
- Manages student health records
- Assists the LSN with immunization/shot requirements for school
- Communicates with the LSN regarding day-to-day operations
- Responsible for the day-to-day health office flow
Student Illness
Keep your child home if your student is experiencing any of the following:
- If your child has a fever of 100°F or more, keep them home for 24 hours after their temperature returns to normal without using fever-reducing medication
- If your child has vomited one or more times, keep them home for 24 hours following the last episode
- If your child has diarrhea, is uncomfortable due to abdominal cramping, and needs to use the bathroom frequently, keep them home for 24 hours following the last episode
- If your child has a rash from an unknown or infectious cause, check with a health care provider before sending them to school
Immunization Requirements
State law (MS 121A.15) requires that each student in a Minnesota school be protected from childhood diseases by receiving immunizations. Parents/guardians may obtain a legal exemption for medical reasons or conscientious beliefs
Minnesota Department of Health (MDH): Are Your Kids Ready?
Medications at School
At some point your student may need to take medication during the school day. Saint Paul Public Schools require written parental authorization for any medication during the school day and health care provider authorization is required for medication taken for more than 2 weeks.