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Weather Plan

Before deciding to hold a non-instructional day or e-learning day due to extreme winter weather conditions, Saint Paul Public Schools Interim Superintendent John Thein consults with a variety of experts both inside and outside of the district. Our commitment is to keep families, staff and the community informed of weather-related school closings and cancellations.


SPPS follows state education guidelines that allow districts to offer e-learning days due to inclement weather. The district may call a non-instructional day or e-learning day if:

  • Wind chills are forecasted to be -35 or colder at 6 a.m. OR

  • Snow makes it too difficult for our students and staff to safely get to school

The Superintendent also reserves the right to close school due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances, if necessary. Students should take their iPads and chargers home every day to be prepared for the possibility of an e-learning day due to weather conditions.

Please note that delayed start times and early dismissals are not logistically possible in Saint Paul Public Schools.

Effective immediately, the following Winter Weather Plan is in place for Saint Paul Public Schools:

  • The first two days SPPS cancels school for inclement weather will be non-instructional days. Students should not report to school, and there will be NO e-learning.

  • After two non-instructional days due to weather, the decision to use an e-learning day or a non-instructional day is at the discretion of the Superintendent.


Internet Connection Reminders for Families

Reliable at-home internet is important to continue school work outside the classroom and in the event of e-learning or inclement weather school closures. SPPS is committed to providing internet connectivity support options for students and families in need. At-home internet connectivity support includes:

  • A limited quantity of Comcast Internet Essentials codes are available for eligible families. The Comcast Internet Essentials program is the preferred and most reliable option for families in need of home internet connectivity. Please contact your student’s school for more information.

  • Project REACH is able to provide hotspots to students and families experiencing homelessness or other issues as needed. Project REACH is an SPPS shelter and street-based program that promotes school stability and academic success for PreK and school-age children in temporary housing situations. For more information, call 651-231-0404. 

Saint Paul Public Schools uses Blackboard Connect to communicate with families during emergency situations, including severe weather, that may affect the school day. Contact information for Blackboard Connect is synced with the district's student information system, Infinite Campus.

SPPS uses a variety of methods to inform families, staff and the community about school closures and cancellations including spps.org, local media, social media, and direct communication through email, text messages and phone calls.

  • Families should make sure their contact information is up-to-date through Campus Parent.
  • Staff should make sure their contact information is up-to-date through Employee Self-Service.


The following guidelines are based on the Heat Index and forecasts from the National Weather Service. The Heat Index is how hot it feels to the human body based on both high air temperatures and high humidity levels. The National Weather Service forecasts will guide how SPPS responds. Saint Paul Public Schools Interim Superintendent John Thein will consider canceling individual schools without air conditioning when the National Weather Service issues an Excessive Heat Warning.