Home and School Connection
Communication between home and school is vital. We encourage you to call your child’s teacher whenever you have a concern. If the teacher is not available, you may leave a message on the teacher’s voice mail or send the teacher an email. Please follow these basic steps to resolve a concern about a specific incident or issue.
- Communicate with your child’s teacher or the teacher involved in the incident or issue.
- Problem-solve together with the teacher.
- If this approach does not solve your concern, call the principal, Amanda Musachio, at 651-293-8915.
Most notices about school and community events will be sent home on Thursdays in a special folder called the Home-School Connection Folder. Please check your child’s backpack for these items. Many teachers also send home folders containing homework and student work. Watch for these, too, and contact the teacher with any questions.
Our school’s newsletter is sent home every month. It is full of articles about helping children learn, notices about exciting events at Dayton’s Bluff and in the community and other important information. We encourage you to read this newsletter with your child and to have a place in your home where this and other school notices can be kept for easy review.