Health and Safety
Student Health and Wellness
Student Health and Wellness provides nursing services to students to enhance educational achievement by the modification or removal of health-related barriers to learning. The goal of the program is to assist students to be self-sufficient in managing their health care within age appropriate expectations thereby preparing all students for life.
We must be able to reach parents during the day, at home, at work, or through a neighbor or relative. Please be sure that the home and emergency phone numbers listed for your child are kept up to date by informing the office of any changes. Should your child become sick or injured at school, we will try to contact the parent first and then work our way through the emergency numbers. The child may not leave the school until a parent or guardian signs the child out in the school office.
If your child has a chronic health problem (asthma, anaphylaxis, seizures, or diabetes) please contact the nurse early in the year so that this information is recorded on your child’s health record and procedures for managing this condition can be used in working with your child. It is also important to notify the school of any contagious conditions your child may contract, such as strep throat or head lice. In this way, the nurse will be able to take appropriate measure to protect other students. Where public health is concerned, your cooperation is essential.
- The goal of the Student Wellness Department of St. Paul Public Schools, including the school nurse, is to ensure the health and safety of our students. We team together to enhance learning by helping each student to be at their greatest learning potential every day.
- The nurse helps students and families to identify any health problems, then manage any health concerns. Students are assisted to learn independence and self-management of any health concerns so that they can be as successful as possible in school.
- The school nurse’s focus is to keep students in school and in class.
- The school nurse helps any students with a chronic health condition (such as asthma, diabetes, etc.) learn how to manage that condition so they can be as healthy as possible.
- The school nurse also helps students to manage minor illnesses, such as headaches or stomach aches, so that they can be in class as much as possible.
- The nurse encourages students to provide self-care for minor cuts and scrapes using soap and water.
- The nurse also teaches the importance of healthy behaviors, such as getting enough sleep each night, and eating a healthy breakfast to start the day.
- The nurse encourages healthy practices, such as good hand washing to decrease illness.
- The nurse does annual vision & hearing screening.
- The nurse provides medication administration & management to students who have a Doctor’s orders for administration of medication at school. This must be renewed every year, along with a signature of parent permission to give any medication at school.
- The nurse provides education and in-service training to staff as needed in regards to medical issues in our school.
- The nurse tracks immunizations and ensures that all students attending Dayton's Bluff are in compliance with the state immunization laws.
Whenever possible, please have your child take medication before or after school. However, if a student is required to take a medication during school hours and the parent cannot be at school to administer the medication, then only the school nurse or designated person may administer the medication in compliance with the original container and the regulations that follow:
1. Written instructions signed by parent and physician are required and must include:
- student’s name
- name of medication
- purpose of medication
- time to be administered
- dosage
- possible side effects
- ending date for administering medication
2. The school nurse will:
- inform appropriate school personnel of the medication
- keep a record of the administering of medication
- keep medication in a locked cabinet
The parents of the student assume responsibility for informing the school nurse of any change in the student’s health or change in medication. The school district retains the discretion to reject requests for administration of medicine. A copy of this regulation will be provided to parents upon their request for administration of medication in the school. The prescribing of or lack of medication as determined by a physician will in no way affect the enrollment of a student in Independent School District #625. Students observed to be taking unauthorized medications will be reported to the school administration and their parents.
The school district provides no health or accident insurance for students.